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Creating a Foundation for Business Success

Creating a Foundation for Business Success

Creating a Foundation for Business Success

When starting a business there are so many things, we (including me!) don’t think about that are needed. A strong foundation is key to a successful business. Initially we may start with an idea or a dream and just get going. That is perfectly okay, but as you are working your way through each day and your business grows things come up that you have to make decisions on.  That can’t be 100% avoided. However, there are some things you can do early on to set the stage for success, less stress and growth.

Things like:
Business plan
Core Values
Mission Statement
Vision Statement
Job Descriptions
Growth Plan

Some of the items listed may seem a little “MUCH”, but if you start with these in place or a general outline it can help you make transition from one phase to another. Let’s go through each one.

Business Plan. This may seem like a big corporation thing, right? As a small business owner or solopreneur if you set the stage for what you want from your business it gives you a tangible goal immediately. It will make you think about marketing, costs, revenue profit, the community.  Having those goals can help you set your course and make decision making easier.

Core Values. I love this one. The first thing I did when I started my nonprofit and my business was set my Core Values. This can be a sentence or a list of important characteristics you want to see in yourself, employees, and clients. It speaks to how you will do business, interact with everyone and how you expect to be interacted with!

Mission Statement. What do you want to accomplish with your business? Are you community minded and want to make a difference? Is your focus on helping small business? Tell the story of why you want to do what you do. My nonprofits mission statement is: Our mission is to assist those in our community who are unable to provide food, water and basic necessities for themselves or their families.

Vision Statement. Similar to a Mission Statement but slightly different. The vision statement focuses on a forward-thinking goal. Combine with our values and our mission what is our goal? My vision for my nonprofit is to create a community of givers to help our neighbors in need.

Job Descriptions. Even before you think about hiring you need to know what you need to hire for, what skills they need and what tasks they will be doing!

Policies. This speaks to the why. Why do we do it this way? It also can be policies on vacation, sick time, leave of absence, performance reviews. Know what you want to do, before you need to!

Growth Plan. Do you want to grow? How do you want to grow and how fast? Setting goals and milestones can help you map out a path to success.  Initially you may map out that you need to start with job descriptions and policies in 6 months and plan the next steps for that: processes and procedures!

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